Core Values
1) The Bible is our sole and primary authority: The Bible is God’s holy Word inspired by the Holy Spirit. It uniquely and infallibly reveals God’s plan for His people and how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, priorities, and our mission are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.
2) Love God and others: We will proclaim a radical commitment to love God and others as Jesus calls us.
3) Christlikeness: The goal of a Christ follower, no matter the age, is to become more like Jesus as the Holy Spirit forms us. This is done as we individually and corporately intentionally commune with the Lord through spiritual disciplines such as prayer, the reading of His word, singing, understanding our spiritual gifts, stewardship, fellowship together on Sundays, and serving together to name a few.
4) Praying: We will be committed to making prayer a primary focus in our lives individually and corporately. Prayer is essential in listening and obeying where God is leading. Prayer leads us to the heart and mind of God.
5) Peacemaking: Conflict is a reality in and outside the church. God offers a different way to handle and address issues of conflict. Peacemaking seeks to deal with the issue, restore, and reconcile the relationship by the power of the Holy Spirit.
6) A Witness to the World: As disciples of Christ, we have been called by God to go out into the world to be light and salt. We will proclaim a passion for sharing our faith through word and deed with the world.
7) Teens and Children Ministry: Ministering to our kids and students will be a priority as we desire to pass on the faith.
Strategy Statement
“Make disciples by providing opportunities to encounter God, promoting the pursuit of spiritual growth, and serving Massillon and beyond with the love of Christ.”